
In Creativity by Beth Cooley

She stands beyond this gulf of greedy pilgrims washed in alien voices. Born not of the sea, as her sister rising on wave and cockle shell, but of blue air, harbingered by winds. Lightly on …

After Chamber Music | On the Pietà of Michelangelo

In Creativity by Glen Phillips

AFTER CHAMBER MUSIC (Una serata musicale alla Villa Fabbricotti) In a summer’s garden long ago, (lute cradled by a handsome youth) young girls gathered all aglow wanting to sing to their hearts’ loves there in …

Mario Bernocchi: The Master of the Gold Florin

In Criticism by Mercedes Matos Carrara

Florence was a city of merchants before becoming an artistic and architectural gem through the foresight of those very merchants. Its gold florin, first minted in 1252, made it the most important commercial center in …

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L’Immagine di Firenze nel Cinema d’Autore

In Criticism by Chiara Tognolotti

Nell’estate del 1916 un gruppo di artisti discute animatamente al caffè delle Giubbe Rosse, in piazza della Repubblica a Firenze. Tra di loro Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, scrittore e giornalista, Giacomo Balla, pittore, Arnaldo Ginna, pittore …