

In Visual Art by Elena Fabris

Man and the environment have always been a necessary combination: human beings find their own identity both in a personal and a territorial way. The environment, to better shape its ethnological / anthropological needs, without ever betraying its essence of place as such.

The socio-cultural aspects are today more and more intrinsically linked to the territory and to artificial modifications: from Northern to Southern Italy places shape themselves according to eco-touristic, cultural and social needs.

These changes are recurring and sometimes confusing: today they represent a real problem, placing the individual in front of a labile belonging, which cannot become a stable territorial identification over time.

About the Author

Elena Fabris

Born and raised in Bassano del Grappa (VI), she graduated in photography at Fondazione Studio Marangoni in Florence in 2018, with her final portfolio "Calìbrio". Her interest in image making is focused on documentary photography.