Photo Credit: Montana Ray
state wax, state wane.
step by step i am terrified
bottled light inside the body
scan blinking nerves wonder
the hands & feet i splay i split
at pelvic wish full fold genital
lever pull making belief happen
stance array my limbs luciferously
look at me god’s very manus
who pushes a button on looking
i do not know male or female
a fulcrum as genital as wrist
per this i will disco into humiliation
machine that i am flashing surveillance
daily the world whir alarms merely
as i appear
epi-visage from The Angel Of Blank
already devastated out of language. a martian & yet i March more mother than mutter. sad nutter she is. the poet of flowers. engorged by gorgeousity, where with all her sound goes lunar over the stars. each word a sister moon passing light into constellation with dark side. there is great darkness & grave darkness. to borrow & bling cannot forever. yes, a stellar nursery of earth is likely necessary. more place than person, the divine. she would make a garden of a single tree: e, pit, o’ me. a denizen of gong. another gone she sheds she says she leaves she leaves she leaves . i am not the blank of blue. i am not the ambient above. what capital celestial combinate ‘g’? i un-theorize gravity. i am elsewhere in the water (drink). come brackish combusting the enlightenment of a neuronic ‘no.’ come poet . come infertile flower. grieve in the green intravene of us & we will leave this never-now this nothing more dust than dust and. . . .earth, girl, she is everything’s grave. reader, be where your bones loam. to this hole-hearted sunder, in Goddess, we must .
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