Studying feminist texts of the 1960s-80s is, for me, strategic rather than nostalgic: a pointed response to contemporary lethal attacks on women and reproductive rights. Such attacks are in full force across the Americas—all …
12/21/24 There was an unidentifiable mouth on the path we set out wintering after. Mouth as mute depthless gap perfectly pear in shape imposed by gone automobile, having still half its teeth, silver fuzz on …
The following excerpt is from the paper, “Translation as a Political Experience,” on translating Black feminist texts from English into Italian by Marie Moïse. In the previous section Moïse discusses her co-translation of Angela Davis’s …
Poetry emerges from the whole body, not just the mind or the tongue. This is especially clear in the work of Italian poet Patrizia Vicinelli (Bologna 1943-1991). Vicinelli often said that her work and her …
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