Lawn n° 3 (puntasecca) from Prati / Pelouses, Camera Verde, 2009. Sooner or later you’ll come to the lawn. Not directly, like a person walking on it (or in it). But through some sort of mediation, …
O Esperanza! Si dà il caso che la mia clown interiore sia piena di speranza. Vuole un martelletto. Vuole stampigliare il suo nome su un martelletto di legno: Il Martelletto di Esperanza. Le clown, da …
HAT It’s not easy to wait for The head of right size To hang from birth In a window of an old shop Whose former owner Reposes under the earth Eschatologically bald It’s even harder …
Were you there? Were you there? Yes, a voice says. Did you also do The same bad things? Yes, a voice says. You’re crying. Where are they, those Who could forgive you? Are you really …